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 Focalcube for sustainability | ISO 14001

Focalcube for environmental management

Solutions for sustainability | ISO 14001

Focalcube has been developed by experienced business developers. Many of our customers use Focalcube for their environmental management systems. Focalcube's features are tailored to build an electronic management system. Your work with ISO 14001 becomes both easy and enjoyable!

Simplify ISO 14001

Focalcube has been developed to simplify working with ISO 14001. The system includes modules for all aspects of the standard — everything from management and planning to follow-up is made easier with Focalcube.

When it’s time for a certification audit, it’s easy to identify what needs to be addressed, with all information gathered in one place — structured and organized!

Easily accessible environmental handbook

With Focalcube Processes and Focalcube Documents, creating and maintaining a comprehensive environmental handbook is simple. Environmental policies, action plans, and other governing documents are easily made accessible to all staff.

Environment ❤️ Quality

It’s easy to build an integrated management system that includes both quality and environmental aspects. We’re happy to assist you with both structure and content.

Cloud-based documentation

With Focalcube, you manage your documents directly in the cloud. Features like access control, version management, electronic signatures, full-text search, automated numbering, metadata linking, and more ensure your documentation is well-organized.
Electronic signatures are a given in Focalcube.

Environmental goals

Focalcube Key Metrics can be used to quickly define environmental goals and metrics. Measurement values can be entered manually or retrieved automatically based on your custom configuration.

Competence and training

Internal training sessions are set up in Focalcube Training, and staff complete knowledge tests to demonstrate their competence. As an environmental manager, you can easily get an overview and identify the need for new training initiatives.

Internal audits

Focalcube Audits simplifies planning and conducting internal environmental audits. Observations and deviations are easily created as tickets in Focalcube Tickets.

Management review

Management reviews are streamlined by setting up a meeting type with a standardized agenda in Focalcube Meetings. Decisions are quickly documented as actions, and Focalcube ensures nothing is forgotten.

Environmental issues

Focalcube Tickets can be used to easily manage environmental issues. Focalcube guides you on how to handle deviations correctly.

Competence and awareness

With Focalcube Training, arranging training sessions and following up with knowledge tests is straightforward. Naturally, this integrates with the system’s "read-and-understood" functionality.

Easily communicate environmental requirements to suppliers

By inviting your suppliers as collaborators in Focalcube, you can publish important governing documents and communicate about deviations and changes.

Everyone can participate

Focalcube makes it easy for everyone to contribute information—even external partners, customers, and suppliers. Advanced features like subscriptions, comment threads, and a personal to-do list ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them.

Access control
Access control

Users can easily be divided into groups to restrict access to items. Powerful configuration options make the work straightforward and transparent for those responsible for the management system. Access control in advanced modules, such as Focalcube Products, is naturally based on the information hierarchy that is established.


Each ticket includes a separate discussion thread, making it easy for colleagues, partners, and suppliers to comment ongoing matters.

Document management
Document management

For each ticket, you can upload and version-control attachments. Images, documents, and other supporting documentation are stored where they belong – within the ticket.

Export of tickets
Export of tickets

A ticket can easily be exported to Word format based on your custom document template. The ticket list can also be effortlessly exported to Excel for analysis and summaries.


Focalcube provides quick access to graphical summaries of, for example, tickets. Analyze the information from different angles to improve your operations based on trends and problem areas. You can also create automated KPIs in Focalcube Follow-Up.

Fulfils ISO requirements
Fulfils ISO requirements

Many of our customers are ISO-certified in quality and environmental management. Focalcube offers features that significantly simplify the certification process.

Full text search
Full text search

All objects in Focalcube are indexed by an advanced search engine, making it easy to find exactly the information you need.

Full traceability
Full traceability

All changes are logged with a complete history. The history enables restoring information and tracking changes during audits and inspections.

Focalcube naturally keeps track of all old document revisions. As an administrator, you can also prevent your users from accessing outdated revisions.

Integrated with other modules
Integrated with other modules

Tickets are a central part of Focalcube's other modules. Customer complaints, supplier issues, service tickets, and audit deviations are directly linked to their respective modules where they belong.

Portal for partners
Portal for partners

External parties can be invited to their own workspace, where they can continuously create tickets, participate in comment threads, and upload related information.

Powerful lists
Powerful lists

All lists are easy to overview and configure. Free-text search and advanced filters make it easy to find the right item. It's also simple to prepare a list of items to go through during, for example, a meeting. Additionally, all lists can easily be exported to Excel or PDF.


When ownership of an item is assigned to an employee, an automatic notification is sent. Ongoing reminders are issued for key events – for example, when a supplier needs to be evaluated, an external audit is approaching, a KPI value needs to be reported, or when a ticket changes status.

Smart linking
Smart linking

Focalcube's other modules are closely integrated with Focalcube Documents. This allows you to link, for example, a ticket or a meeting to a document. The documen — whose access is primarily controlled by the document collection's access settings — then also becomes available to users who have access to the linked objects.


Each user can configure their own subscriptions. When new tickets are created, notifications are sent to the relevant users. Naturally, owners and other stakeholders are informed when tickets are updated.

Team inbox
Team inbox

Focalcube can be connected to the team's inbox for incoming support. Incoming messages can easily be converted into new tickets. Ongoing email communication with the customer is managed directly from the ticket. Each employee can set up a personal email signature.

To-do list
To-do list

Too many tasks coming from all directions? Struggling to keep track of priorities? In Focalcube, all activities are gathered into a unified personal To-Do list. The system prompts you with reminders and helps you prioritize.

Work in multiple time zones
Work in multiple time zones

Users can easily set their time zone. All timestamps in the system are automatically adjusted to the personal time zone.