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Asset Management

Focalcube Assets - Control, overiew and plan the management of all types of tangible and intangible assets

Asset Management made easy. All companies need to manage their assets, whether it’s machinery in a workshop, measuring instruments, IT systems, or delivered product systems. Focalcube Assets helps you with calibration intervals, planning of preventive maintenance, documentation of service, and much more.

Hantera dina tillgångar, oavsett om det är maskiner i en verkstad, mätdon, datorsystem eller att levererade produktsystem.

A simple asset register

Focalcube provides an asset register where all necessary information about any type of asset can be recorded, whether it’s your own machinery or equipment you sell and maintain for your customers under service contracts. Smart features for an easier daily workflow!

Powerful activity plans

In Focalcube, you can easily create different activity plans for each type of equipment. These plans can be customized to match specific conditions in various service agreements. This gives you full control over calibration intervals and other service requirements.


Focalcube issues reminders to the responsible person when a planned activity is approaching. Reminders are sent via email and are also accessible on the system’s homepage and through our mobile app.

All documentation in one place

With Focalcube, you can document installations, record serial numbers of assembled components, upload service contracts, and store service reports from both preventive and corrective maintenance. All documentation is stored in one central location.

Full integration

Focalcube’s maintenance module is fully integrated with Focalcube Organizations. This allows you to quickly view the equipment you’ve installed for each customer, as well as any ongoing or completed corrective maintenance. Corrective maintenance is, of course, managed as tickets in Focalcube Tickets.

Full text search
Full text search

All objects in Focalcube are indexed by an advanced search engine, making it easy to find exactly the information you need.

Integrated with other modules
Integrated with other modules

Tickets are a central part of Focalcube's other modules. Customer complaints, supplier issues, service tickets, and audit deviations are directly linked to their respective modules where they belong.

Powerful lists
Powerful lists

All lists are easy to overview and configure. Free-text search and advanced filters make it easy to find the right item. It's also simple to prepare a list of items to go through during, for example, a meeting. Additionally, all lists can easily be exported to Excel or PDF.

Smart linking
Smart linking

Focalcube's other modules are closely integrated with Focalcube Documents. This allows you to link, for example, a ticket or a meeting to a document. The documen — whose access is primarily controlled by the document collection's access settings — then also becomes available to users who have access to the linked objects.