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Focalcube Products is a powerful PDM-system

Product Lifecycle Management

Focalcube Products - HAndle the lifecycle of your products and their entire bill of materials

Focalcube Products is a simple Product Data Management (PDM) system for the entire organization. Easily manage product releases, handle change orders and BOMs, version control drawings and manufacturing documentation, track suitable suppliers, and register all product data in one place.

All product data in one place

It’s common for companies to maintain multiple product registries—marketing has its product catalog, finance, orders, and purchasing have a list in the ERP system, R&D has its lists, and manufacturing has its own. With Focalcube Products, you consolidate all product data in one place. This is an enormous advantage for a growing company.

Advanced support for product release

Register checklists and sub-checklists at both the product type and product level. This allows you to configure exactly which control steps a product must undergo before release to inventory. The release process is further streamlined with the ability to easily download a product-specific release checklist based on your configuration.

Track product documentation

Focalcube Products enables version control of product documentation through links to Focalcube Documents. For every released product revision, links to specific document revisions are established. This makes it easy to integrate a purchasing system, export manufacturing documentation, or manage materials for product registrations.

Linked change orders and issue tickets

Focalcube Products is seamlessly integrated with Focalcube Tickets. When a product needs to be updated, you can create a change order linked to the product. Once the product and its documentation are finalized, the correct document links are established, and the product is released by an authorized individual. Full control over the change flow!

Överskådlig produktlista

Product management for growth

With Focalcube Products, your team can manage the entire product lifecycle. The product is registered and version-controlled alongside its technical documentation. When the product is ready for release, integration with an ERP system is an excellent way to streamline workflows for purchasing, inventory, marketing, sales, and delivery. All product information is easily accessible and updated in real time!

Access control
Access control

Users can easily be divided into groups to restrict access to items. Powerful configuration options make the work straightforward and transparent for those responsible for the management system. Access control in advanced modules, such as Focalcube Products, is naturally based on the information hierarchy that is established.

Easily separate and find documents
Easily separate and find documents

With Focalcube, you can easily create separate document collections for your files, making it simple to keep documents organized. Within a document collection, you can create a folder structure and specify metadata that can be used for filtering and searching. In addition to these flexible structural options, Focalcube also provides access to fast and powerful full-text search within documents.

Export of tickets
Export of tickets

A ticket can easily be exported to Word format based on your custom document template. The ticket list can also be effortlessly exported to Excel for analysis and summaries.

Fulfils ISO requirements
Fulfils ISO requirements

Many of our customers are ISO-certified in quality and environmental management. Focalcube offers features that significantly simplify the certification process.

Full text search
Full text search

All objects in Focalcube are indexed by an advanced search engine, making it easy to find exactly the information you need.

Integrated with other modules
Integrated with other modules

Tickets are a central part of Focalcube's other modules. Customer complaints, supplier issues, service tickets, and audit deviations are directly linked to their respective modules where they belong.

Powerful lists
Powerful lists

All lists are easy to overview and configure. Free-text search and advanced filters make it easy to find the right item. It's also simple to prepare a list of items to go through during, for example, a meeting. Additionally, all lists can easily be exported to Excel or PDF.


When ownership of an item is assigned to an employee, an automatic notification is sent. Ongoing reminders are issued for key events – for example, when a supplier needs to be evaluated, an external audit is approaching, a KPI value needs to be reported, or when a ticket changes status.

Smart linking
Smart linking

Focalcube's other modules are closely integrated with Focalcube Documents. This allows you to link, for example, a ticket or a meeting to a document. The documen — whose access is primarily controlled by the document collection's access settings — then also becomes available to users who have access to the linked objects.

Work in multiple time zones
Work in multiple time zones

Users can easily set their time zone. All timestamps in the system are automatically adjusted to the personal time zone.