Audits and inspections
Focalcube Audits | Audit program, audit planning and audit reporting and follow-up
Unlock the value of audits and inspections which can easily become a bureaucratic burden.
Focalcube Audits makes it simple to plan, document, and follow up audits and inspections. Observations and deviations are easily managed in Focalcube Tickets.

Get help with planning
Audit plans are entered directly into Focalcube. The audit schedule provides a clear overview of upcoming and completed audits and their status.
Document directly
An auditor can take audit notes directly in Focalcube during the audit. Deviations are documented as tickets and linked directly to the audit, making it incredibly easy to follow up on corrective actions. Once the audit is complete, the auditor can quickly generate a report and distribute it to relevant stakeholders.
Leverage audit results
One of the biggest challenges with audits is that the results are often forgotten or left unaddressed. Solve this issue by documenting audit findings as tickets in Focalcube. Assign owners and manage them just like any other ticket. The status of linked tickets is easy to track. Your audit program becomes a dynamic tool for improvement!

A flexible all-in-one solution
The ticket management module integrates seamlessly with Focalcube’s other modules, making ticket handling a natural part of the entire organization. The system’s core registry makes it easy to customize ticket categorization to fit your business and terminology. Of course, we can also set up integrations with your other systems!

Users can easily be divided into groups to restrict access to items. Powerful configuration options make the work straightforward and transparent for those responsible for the management system. Access control in advanced modules, such as Focalcube Products, is naturally based on the information hierarchy that is established.

Many of our customers are ISO-certified in quality and environmental management. Focalcube offers features that significantly simplify the certification process.

All objects in Focalcube are indexed by an advanced search engine, making it easy to find exactly the information you need.

All changes are logged with a complete history. The history enables restoring information and tracking changes during audits and inspections.
Focalcube naturally keeps track of all old document revisions. As an administrator, you can also prevent your users from accessing outdated revisions.

Tickets are a central part of Focalcube's other modules. Customer complaints, supplier issues, service tickets, and audit deviations are directly linked to their respective modules where they belong.

All lists are easy to overview and configure. Free-text search and advanced filters make it easy to find the right item. It's also simple to prepare a list of items to go through during, for example, a meeting. Additionally, all lists can easily be exported to Excel or PDF.

When ownership of an item is assigned to an employee, an automatic notification is sent. Ongoing reminders are issued for key events – for example, when a supplier needs to be evaluated, an external audit is approaching, a KPI value needs to be reported, or when a ticket changes status.

Focalcube's other modules are closely integrated with Focalcube Documents. This allows you to link, for example, a ticket or a meeting to a document. The documen — whose access is primarily controlled by the document collection's access settings — then also becomes available to users who have access to the linked objects.

Each user can configure their own subscriptions. When new tickets are created, notifications are sent to the relevant users. Naturally, owners and other stakeholders are informed when tickets are updated.

Users can easily set their time zone. All timestamps in the system are automatically adjusted to the personal time zone.